Beatrice Phiri Tonguino

Student at Cavendish University Zambia
She has served as a climate change ambassador since 2013, under UNICEF Zambia’s child led Signature advocacy program unite4climate conservation (U4CC) Zambia, when she was trained under the Zambia children’s climate conference. Beatrice currently serves as a facilitator, helping train and mentor new climate change ambassadors. Through this program she has helped trained over 500 young people across Zambia. Beatrice served as a youth reporter under Agents of Change foundation and children’s radio foundation between 2015 and 2018. Through her work with Agents of change foundation and support from the children’s radio foundation, she ran weekly radio programs on climate change and environmental sustainability aimed at shifting people’s mindset for the better. Beatrice was awarded the 2020 Presidential Award by WaterAid United Kingdom for her outstanding voluntary contribution to WaterAid’s Mission of promoting safe water, sanitation and hygiene. Beatrice’s climate change activism has been featured by both local and international media. Featured by DWtv as an eco-hero. Featured as an emerging climate change leader by Marie Claire Magazine of South Africa. Featured by BBC as Young person Spearheading climate Action in Africa.